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How to sell a subscription online. (Workaround)
How to sell a subscription online. (Workaround)

Selling a subscription on your online booking

Written by Anouk Van der Biest
Updated over 3 months ago

Selling a subscription directly through the online booking is unfortunately not yet possible, fortunately we have a workaround here.

Of course, this is only possible if you have a pro or advance package.

Let's go!

I only work with services.

1.Navigate from the main screen to the settings of services.

2.Create a new service under the correct category 'e.g. Subscription Tondeusesnit'.

Set the subscription price e.g. €200, also set an advance of the full amount.

Feel free to add a description, so the customer knows what this means.

The duration should NOT be the duration of the treatment, the customer only buys the subscription. Be sure to also turn on the 'Online bookable' button.


4.Now through the online booking the customer sees the subscription and he can purchase it.

5.Now we need to transfer the amount of that we received from the customer online to an effective subscription.

6. Go in your calendar to the appointment 'subscription' that the customer booked, click on it and choose 'checkout'.

7. The amount of the subscription / advance is in this ticket

Add in this ticket the correct subscription using '+ Subscription'.

If customer does not wish to use the subscription yet choose 'No' in this box.

Total amount to pay = €0,00

11.When you now go to the customer in the customer module, under 'subscriptions

you will see the created subscription.

When the customer will now book through the online booking e.g. the clipper cut will be charged €0,00.

I work with menu's.

1.Navigate from the main screen to the settings of services.

2.Create a new service under the correct category 'e.g. Subscription Tondeusesnit'.

Set the subscription price e.g. €200, also set an advance of the full amount.

Feel free to add a description, so the customer knows what this means.

The duration should NOT be the duration of the treatment, the customer only buys the subscription. Be sure to also turn on the 'Online bookable' button.


4. The service has now been created. Navigate now from here to the menu settings via settings - menus.

Click in the menu where you wish to add the service. e.g. Men's.

Choose '+ add menu' - add description, name and service. Save.

4.Now the subscription is on the online booking and the customer scan purchase it.

5.Now we need to transfer the amount of that we received from the customer online to an subscription in Optios.

6. Go in your calendar to the appointment 'subscription' that the customer booked, click on it and choose 'checkout'.

7. The amount of the subscription / advance is in this ticket

Add in this ticket the correct subscription using '+ Subscription'.

If customer does not wish to use the subscription yet choose 'No' in this box.

Total amount to pay = €0,00

11.When you now go to the customer in the customer module, under 'subscriptions

you will see the created subscription.

When the customer will now book through the online booking e.g. the clipper cut will be charged €0,00.

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